Norris E. Stough
December 27, 2011
Edgar E. Carol Jr.
I have read, to my misfortune, your letter to the editors of The Dallas Morning News. I just about got to the end before vomiting in the gutter where you must surely live.
You are truly the living embodiment of all that is wrong with this country. Your letter reveals in you the uneducated, willfully ignorant, sanctimonious, self-righteous “Christian” attempting to reconstruct through propaganda, such as your letter, a world that never existed and a complete disregard for the nature and reality of the “real world” difficulties our nation faces today.
Your view is truly that of those “true” Christians you seem so proud to misrepresent. It was “christians” such as yourself – Catholic and Lutheran – who at first ignored, then minimized, then disavowed the self-righteous world-view that allowed Hitler and his Nazis to eliminate over six million and more real people, with real lives, real contributions, and real families in order to establish a government wherein no conflict could exist between the official government view and the view of those who were governed. That sir, is called fascism and it is a very, very scary world-view.
You should spend less time in your Klu Klux Klan sheets and hood, stop staying up late in order to burn crosses on your fellow citizens property, in order to obtain sufficient rest that you are able to attend church on a sufficient number of occasions that you become acquainted with the duties and beliefs required of Christians, so that you may both espouse them as well as act them.
I have a blog with over 14,000 readers a day. I will make it my mission up to and including the last day of the 2012 general election to convince all of those 14,000 readers to vote so as to eliminate and cancel the hypocritical, bigoted, uneducated, willfully ignorant, divisive votes of individuals such as yourself.
Please begin to attend your church more regularly, and with both your ears and mind open. And, before you begin another attempt to tell us what our nation was founded upon, read the Federalist Papers, the entirety of the Bill of Rights, Constitution, and Declaration of Independence – not just those parts that coincide with your prejudiced beliefs.
You can not be utterly stupid, as you had sense enough to write to the Dallas Morning News. However, you are quite possibly the most ignorant person to have ever written to them.
I make the assumption that the kind editors corrected your grammatical and spelling errors so as to keep you from revealing just how truly uneducated and uninformed, as you must necessarily be, in order to have written such a misinformed diatribe revealing the extent of your hatred of those unlike and disagreeable to you.
Here is my public blog article, read by more than 14,000 people in the DFW Metroplex everyday.
I challenge you to put up or shut up. These 14,000 readers are enough to nullify the votes of the entirety of Kaufman County.
These Are The People Who Must Be Defeated If the Unity of United States is to be Preserved.
The public discussion forming the basis for this blog can be found at http://dmn.beloblog.com/cgi-bin/mt/mt-t.cgi/317994
What one may find in this discussion in the public forum of the Dallas Morning News.
It illustrates perfectly the disconnect between the realities which are our nation faces and the reactionary, backwards looking psychotic mentality of the Tea Party and extreme right-wing of the Republican Party. They refuse to move forward based on the facts as they exist, so they lie and misrepresent those facts, both present and past, believing that they can recreate an idealized world that never was.
These people truly have a permanent break with reality - which is by definition of psychosis. They assume that if they hold a particular belief, they must have inherited these cherished ideas from ancestors who felt the same in their days as the Tea Party and way-past right Republicans do now. This is because they mistakenly believe they have come by these beliefs without either the prejudice or foolish mistakes their ancestors made in the past. Indeed, they act as if nothing has come to them in the form of their own unique and original ignorance of the facts or biases based on their own lives.
Everything can be justified by taking their own beliefs and super-imposing those beliefs on our founding fathers - and in every single case they get it wrong - because they are too lazy to truly read and understand history, because it is so much easier to presume to speak for the dead who, in these right-wing fascist Tea Party Republics, of limited mindset, have not left us any real history or proof of their beliefs, and therefore have no voice of their own.
But our founding fathers have indeed left us a rich history of their beliefs. The written history of the conflicts between their beliefs is profound both in its depth as well as it's quantity. Unfortunately, for the Tea Party and these weird as hell Republican fascists, historical fact doesn't jive with what they believe today. So, to justify their misinformed and hateful efforts, they refer to "our founders, the fathers of our country, the concepts of the constitution" in generalized terms, leaving out all those conflicts and the inconvenient truths in the documents of the time, which are there for everyone to read and absorb.
You will notice that these right-wing republican fascist and the Tea Party apologists, never refer to any specific individual or verifiable fact.
This is because they realize the slander which they commit upon on founding fathers and the very extensive historical discussion which can be confirmed as fact and entirely undermines their world-view. These people are full of hate and fury that times have changed and what they see around them no longer confirms their misguided views.
The proponents of divisive hatred, propagandize, misrepresent and otherwise intentionally distort facts to appeal to the uneducated, the ignorant, the lazy and those who are outright bigots.
The author's comments reveal a bigotry all too common; completely uninformed as to the facts of the founding of our nation. It is because the author remains willfully ignorant of the facts, as he preaches lies and propaganda, that I feel free to refer to him as a bigot.
Read his letter as I dissect his comments, sentence by sentence, through which he dissembles, outright lies, and otherwise propagandizes for the extreme right-wing, Tea Party fascists. These are a group of people who would, if allowed the opportunity, willing sacrifice the rights of their fellow citizens in order to establish a government and a society that will in no way conflict with with their misshapen world view.
Ok, let us examine what this particular fascist Tea Party Republican has to say.
I quote his first sentence, "Hale doesn't understand Christianity -- or any other religion. Believers in Christ founded and built this nation,"
How clever of you to appeal to the religion of the majority to completely erase the contributions of those non-Christians who also number amongst those who built this nation. see:
Then, let us consider those of the Muslim faith. see:
I'm sorry this author, his ignorance of that which he pretends to speak is appalling. Then, for the sake of a misdirected appeal to Christianity, he continues in a manner as if Christianity is today, or ever has been in the past, one great and encompassing belief; without conflicting doctrines and ways of life, i.e., the Puritans.
So, let us examine the lies and distortions in his next sentence, "They came to this country for religious freedom from folks who wanted everyone to believe the way that they did." Here you commit the very Christian sin of omission so common to the Republic right-wing, Tea Party fanatics.
The "they" he refer to includes both the Jews and the Muslims who were fleeing the all-too real memories of the actions of Christians like the author, who in the Inquisition, created forms of torture and human-rights violations which make the Nazis look like amateurs.
But let us leave the Jews and Muslims out of this discussion, since in this author's revisionist world-view they never exited, and concentrate on the Puritans instead.
These very strict protestants would be appalled at the authors so-called Christianity. They left their homes because of persecution due to their protests against the established Church's accumulation of wealth and prestige and it's lack of concern for the worldly obligations of the faithful, to remember the lowest amongst us, feed the poor, provide them with shelter and sustenance, and all of the other instructions from the Sermon on the Mount, so conveniently ignored by the Christians of their day and Christians of today, such as this letter's author.
They would be aghast at the major Christian religion's outward demonstration of prosperity and wealth. That First Baptist Church and First Methodist churches could be the largest property owners in downtown Dallas would be a major point of contention for them.
And then, that these church's do no more with their wealth than build ever larger monuments to themselves, with none of them serving those less fortunate would probably be enough to make them take up arms in protest and tear down these monuments to self-righteousness.
However these Puritan Christians are indeed this authors ancestors and predecessors in their view of others. Just like the author, once in control, they became the very evil they sought to escape; intolerant and judgmental of those unlike them in their looks, customs, and religious practices.
I won't even address the remainder of the author's letter which consists of nothing more than vile assumptions about the previous writer which can not be in any way supported by the previous author's letter.
This author's letter to the editors, is a hypocritical, bigoted, intolerant misrepresentation of the Christian faith and demonstrates a willful ignorance of the facts, intentionally misrepresented the Christian faith, in order to justify a sanctimonious and self-righteous view of the world that did not exist in the time of the founding of this nation any more than it does the realities of the present.
I pray God, the churches Kaufman preach a more accurate and enlightened view of Christianity and that if they do, the author of this letter should attend more often their services.
I challenge the author of this letter, here and now, to provide documented, scholarly reviewed sources on the founding father's religious beliefs, their written words, the history of religion in the United States, and either put them forth in another letter to the Dallas Morning News or write another letter retracting the fascist, right-wing, Tea Party propaganda previously published.
I say to the author this. You must live a sorry, uninformed hate-filled existence. Surrounded by backwoods white-trash, uneducated red-necks, tie them to the back of the pick up truck and drag them to death good-buddies, in an environment, where you all spit “chew” into an old Folger's coffee.
I expect most often, you come by your common wisdom, while sitting on your front porches, in your worn-out furniture living room furniture and a broke-down refrigerator, just able enough to keep your home-made “licker” cool enough to drink.
Do the sheep back up to the fence when you and your good buddies go walking along the pasture?
How many shades of primer is your broke-down pickup truck painted?
Do you gather at the Kaufman County court house and piss on yourself in your over-alls because no “Christian” decorations are allowed?
When you finally sneak out in the night and slip a nativity scene onto the court house grounds you can be sure I will be their the next night with a Menorah and a life-sized copy of the Koran to counteract your ignorant, backwoods, white trash behavior.
Norris Stough
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