Let us examine the particular stupidity of Mr. Dennis Hubbert of Richardson, Texas.
Mr. Hubbert is the perfect example of an idiot who writes to the newspaper, wakes up to read the newspaper, read his own non-nonsensical letter and then says, "see it must be true, it's written down in the paper."
I suggest to you, idiot that you are Mr. Hubbert, that you educate yourself before you write another letter to the editor exposing to all your unique ignorance of the facts upon which you want to speak so authoritatively when every single line of your letter is nothing but the regurgitated lies of the right-wing Tea Party propaganda outlets you read, rather than informative, well-researched and logically reasoned alternative views.
So, step by step, sentence by sentence, let us examine each singular revisionist, uninformed, mindless comment in your letter.
I quote your first instance of stupidity as follows, "Robinson says tea party congressmen are clueless and he applauds Democrats. The Republicans tied a one-year payroll tax reduction to the Keystone XL oil pipeline." So true Mr. Hubbert, the Republicans tied a pipeline bill, a completely and utterly unrelated subject, to a bill extending a tax -reduction for wage-earners.
How, is it, in your warped mind that these two things have anything to do with another. Are these potential beneficiaries of the tax-cut somehow supposed to justify their relief for the sake of a pipe-line project completely unrelated to their needs? In what dis-jointed chain of logic do you come to the conclusion that tax-payers only deserve a tax-break if a multi-billion dollar company is allowed to build a pipeline outside of the rules, regulations and laws required of every other pipeline company? Truly, only the willfully ignorant could be in support of such an effort.
Now, I quote your second instance of stupidity, "It was an effort to get Robinson's Democratic heroes to build a pipeline, create thousands of non-government jobs and do what was right for the country. The Democrats wanted two months and no pipeline. Now Iran is threatening to shut down its oil. Who are the clueless ones here?" No, you right-wing fascist apologist, it was an effort by the Republicans to slip an unapproved pipeline project past the standard regulatory reviews, by forcing the Democrats to choose between benefiting the many who deserved a tax-cut, and the very few who will benefit by pushing through a pipeline project outside of the standard review process.
As for Iran threatening to shut-down its oil, you reveal your selective choice of facts and ignorance of the current world market for oil exports, by intentionally ignoring the facts that the U.S. is now a major oil exporter and that Iran has always played the "oil" card as a trump to the more important considerations of letting a country run by extremist develop and use an atomic weapon.
I suppose it is all the same to you that Israil and Saudi Arabia might be the victims of a n atomic attack, so long as there is no interruption to the world's oil supply, so you can continue to drive without consideration of the true "cost" of the gasoline that powers your car. Only those with an unstated purpose, disregarding all the facts to justify their own self-interest, would put forward such an obvious misrepresentation of the difficulties our nation faces.
Now, let us consider the next portion of your letter. "Finally, Robinson states that markets are to serve the nation. I would say he is clueless, but he is not. He is the typical liberal elitist. Markets serve the individual. Individuals enter into transactions so each participant can gain something. A manufacturer sells to a retailer and a retailer sells to an individual. The manufacturer pays for his workers and equipment. The retailer profits by making single items conveniently available to the individual. The individual gets the product he wants."
I am sure these "beer-goggle" economics play well amongst the drunken bar-mates you must hang around with. But I suggest, before you open your ignorant, uninformed mouth, that you take a course or two in economics. By definition, a market is the sum total of the activities of all the individuals buy/selling a products. It is not defined by the negotiated workings of one buyer and one seller. And pray tell asshole, since when did someone's liberal elitist or conservative reactionary individual view drive a market made up of all those same individuals? Only a mindless twit like you, who believes his own bullshit would have the temerity to write to a major newspaper and so obviously expose his ignorance of the subject. Stop patting yourself on your back for your own mindlessly derived view of economics and put a standard introductory economics text in front of your face and read it you cretin.
So, now, let's examine your idea of the "coup de grace." "Compare this to the Robinson vision. The government takes my money and gives it to Solyndra. I get nothing, and President Barack Obama's cronies get rich; Obama gets campaign funds, and the well-off liberal elitists feel good about themselves.
Rick Perry has been running a political slush-fund for his cronies, using tax-payer dollars to award contracts and money to his political contributors for eight years and Solndra is the cause you chose to attack?
The difference between the two is that President Obama and the White House's involvement in Solyndra has been fully reported and documented with the assistance of the President and the White House Staff. The slush fund run by Rick Perry refuses to release any details about the awards process, the award amounts, the benefits, if any, derived from these tax-payer dollars. Rick Perry has lied, dissembled, misled and misinformed every source of inquiry about his slush fund's activities.
You sir, are the very example of why this country is being run by professional, self-serving businessman rather than representatives of the people. You think and say that you live in a Democracy. In truth, your mindless worm, you live in a Republic solely because our founding fathers were afraid to put the governance of our county directly in the hands of the misguided, uninformed, willfully ignorant, prejudiced, and bigoted individual like you.
It was their hope, that by electing representatives of the whole of the great electorate, that an educated, informed, unbiased public purpose might be achieved despite the individual idiots likeyou who roam the streets.
I have to pay to get a dog license, but they let idiots like you vote for free. In this one might truly say, "who says God has no sense of humor."
I say to you here and now, you fascist propagandist, put up or shut up - here on this blog, the letters to the editor or any public forum you choose, any facts whatsoever that support your view of economic markets, the relative benefits of the tax-cut versus the pipeline, or the Solyndra controversy.
You are a mindless, uneducated, twit. I could debate you in person or in writing with half my brain shut down and still win.
Individuals like you disgust me because of the unrepairable damage you are doing to our country,.
Who is clueless here?
Robinson says tea party congressmen are clueless and he applauds Democrats. The Republicans tied a one-year payroll tax reduction to the Keystone XL oil pipeline. It was an effort to get Robinson's Democratic heroes to build a pipeline, create thousands of non-government jobs and do what was right for the country. The Democrats wanted two months and no pipeline. Now Iran is threatening to shut down its oil. Who are the clueless ones here?
Finally, Robinson states that markets are to serve the nation. I would say he is clueless, but he is not. He is the typical liberal elitist. Markets serve the individual. Individuals enter into transactions so each participant can gain something. A manufacturer sells to a retailer and a retailer sells to an individual. The manufacturer pays for his workers and equipment. The retailer profits by making single items conveniently available to the individual. The individual gets the product he wants.
Compare this to the Robinson vision. The government takes my money and gives it to Solyndra. I get nothing, and President Barack Obama's cronies get rich; Obama gets campaign funds, and the well-off liberal elitists feel good about themselves.
Dennis Hubbert, Richardson
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