Is it because the truth hurts to such a degree that even the mindless evangelicals can find nothing in his reprehensible behavior to commend.
Make no mistake; my opinion of Tim Tebow as a person and as a Christian could not be lower. Prostrating himself in public prayer, before a crowd of footballs fans could not be a lower form self-righteousness. He does this to bring attention to himself for the purpose of gaining a following amongst the right-wing evangelical, "I can make myself righteous before God crowd" not because he loves God, or even football, or any other desire to demonstrate by example, his beliefs. He is doing this for entirely self-serving purposes completely unrelated to his supposed faith. He is doing this because he has plans beyond his mediocre performance as as professional football player.
Let's face the facts here folks. Tim Tebow is a mediocre football players at his best. Despite his recent resurgence in popularity, due entirely to his public prostrations before God in prayer, he is at best a second-string non-starter in professional football, and he knows it.
Believe me folks, when I tell you, the owners of the professional football franchises could not care less whether Tebow is a Christian, Muslim, or Buddhist. When his self-serving dramatics on the Astroturf no longer brings a victory, this totally undeserved attention he receives for his supposed faith will be off screen as fast as costume malfunction at the Super Bowel.
Tim Tebow will disappear from professional football as fast as shit through a goose once his public antics no longer draw a crowd of unforgiving, right-wing Christians, who talk the talk but won't walk the walk. The owners of the major football franchises would rather have a bomb-throwing, Taliban trained, anti-American on the field, so long as he remains quiet, quarterback than Tim Tebow and his ever-diminishing group of group of fans, who care more about his public prayer than football abilities.
Tim Tebow is doing all of his public antics because he knows he is not of professional-league football material. But, he want to make the most of his public antics to further his real desire which is to take a place in the public view as a candidate for public office.
And I will be damned if he won't succeed. All of those thousands of readers of my previous commentary about Tim Tebow will allow this to happen. Sure, they will stop in and read what someone has to say about this idol with feet of clay but they are too chicken shit to make a comment and attempt to refute what I have said about his disgusting antics to date. They will forgive his inept football skills, use his video kneeling before the football god as a video clip in some not to far off public campaign for office.
Tim Tebow is a hyporite.
Tim Tebow is not a real Christian.
Tim Tebow is using his public prostrations of faith for future purposes because his a minor blip on the screen of professional football.
Tim Tebow is a bigoted. right-wing self-righteous, self-promoting hypocrite using his supposed faith in God to promote is narrow-minded, hateful, self-serving public displays of faith to his future advantage.
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I totally agree with you (Cosmic HIGH FIVE) and one up you that I think the whole virginity thing is a cover to hide his homosexuality!
ReplyDeleteOr maybe just maybe he is a follower of Christ and is trying to use his fame to spread the Word of God... Your entire argument lacks any factual basis. You assume what Tebow is thinking, but unless you are Tebow or the good Lord himself then there is no way you could read his mind.
ReplyDeletethe man flooded Denver with billboards for himself and is trying to control how people neal to pray for god.FACTS!