But, don't misunderstand me.
My politics are very much to what would be referred to as "left-wing" and they have not changed. I would just as soon cut off my hand as vote for a Republican of any type. I want to see Mitt Romney as the Republican candidate for the benefit of our nation; though in fact, I will never vote for him instead of Barack Obama.
Like it or not, the United States is a two-party electoral process. No one needs the long historical lesson on why this is so. It is a reality. Because I care for my nation it is in my interest that both parties put forth the most qualified, able, educate and capable individuals. Mitt Romney, is without any doubt, the best choice for the Republican Party. And, on the unlikely event he is elected, the best choice for our nation.
Now, much has been made of the "Tea Party" as a third instance of a political party in the United States. This is a lie. For anyone outside the United States, one might think this misguided collection of weirdos is a legitimate alternative third party. Not so. In fact, the "Tea Party" is the resurgence of the extreme, right-wing, fascist segment of the Republican Party that most had thought dead since the death of the likes of Strom Thurmond. Unfortunately, this is not the case.
The revisionist Nazis have simply regrouped while in the dark places where evil lies undetected, taken a new name, cloaked themselves in the words, but not the meaning of the U.S. Constitution and attached themselves like leeches to the body of the Republican Party which would like nothing more than to separate themselves from these right-wing nuts.
The latest public polls in the state of Iowa, confirm my previous prediction that the citizens of Iowa are a good deal more informed and educated than generally given credit. They recognize an idiot when they see or hear from one. They can see a self-serving cheat when they come across one. And, they can recognize the certifiably psychotic when the are forced to feed him at a public event before he opens his mouth and reveals his complete disassociation with reality.
So, God bless them, these average, normal citizens have settled on Mitt Romney.
I have taken some heat here, for referring to the Mormons as the weirdest of the weird. But, you know what, who cares about his religion since it has nothing to do with the present and everything to do with a future that is not going to happen. Same thing with John F. Kennedy. The Republicans made much of his religion, questioning in public his loyalty to the United States as opposed to his "suggested but never stated" servitude to the Pope. All total bullshit and any such commentary suggesting the same for Mitt Romney is exactly the same bullshit.
No I will not vote for Mitt Romney. In my heart I believe Barack Obama to be the better qualified individual. But, I am grateful to the Republican in the state of Iowa for having weeded out the nest of snakes presented to them and made the choice of the one candidate who will best serve this country if a Republican is elected as President of the United States.
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