Monday, December 12, 2011

Breaking News - Nancy Jones, Lewisville, Texas Is Now the Self-Appointed Authority of What "We" Want and Should Have For "Her" Holiday - Whether Swallowed Willingly or Force Fed - Dallas Morning News- Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

Every once in a while throughout the year, particularly around holidays, and in very particular those holidays such as Christmas, which coincide with the holidays and celebrations of other religions and cultures, a self-centered, misinformed, and mean-spirited self-appointed guardian of all that is "right", who is very much part of the majority, crawls out from under a stack of unread Bibles and copies of the Constitutions, and starts preaching about how "we", "us", "mine" are being abused.  All the while whining through their nose "poor me, my rights are being abused" by "them", "they" and "ours."  to the tune of "why oh why is everybody always picking on me." This letter is a perfect example thereof.

The author is this year's example and I, for one, am sick of people of this ilk propagandizing that some how they are under attack by those people you see as different from you.  Obviously, from your statements, we can further understand that they don't deserve the same respect, rights and social interaction that you, in your superiority, demand as yours by birthright.  And then go on to tell us by whom, for what, the when and thereby wherefore of the foundations upon which our country was built.

There is an old joke about two drivers who meet midway on a one-lane bridge.  One driver gets out and says, "I never back up for jerks like you."  Says the other driver in response, "That's okay.  I always do."

In this case though it is the author of this letter who is the jerk who needs to back up, as quickly as possible, drive to the nearest library and inform herself on what is was that our country was built upon.  Your ignorance of the Constitution is astonishing and your "Christian" arrogance is astounding.

Let us examine your exact words wherein you demonstrate both your ignorance of the facts and an ethnocentrism so great you make John Birch appear liberal in outlook.

First you say, " we have become a nation that must be so politically correct that we think we cannot celebrate the most blessed holiday of the year by saying "Merry Christmas."

Really Ms. Jones, who is it that has given [you, the great and mighty] the idea that "we" cannot celebrated 'the most blessed holiday of the year by saying 'Merry Christmas.'"  Please give us the names of these infidels so that the remainder of "we" can join you in your protest.  In point of fact Ms. Jones no one can, is, or will prevent you from saying "Merry Christmas" anywhere you choose.  You an in fact, able and guaranteed the right to walk through any public place, including public schools, saying "Merry Christmas" to everyone you meet and never once be arrested or declaimed for having broken the law, despite the obvious insensitivity of saying "Merry Christmas" to those protected by our Constitution to whom Christmas is not the most "blessed" of holidays.  What "you" Ms. Jones, may not do, is make the assumption that it is only people who believe and celebrate as you do, who have become the sole "we" protected by our Constitution.

Then you bemoan the depths of depravity into which "we" have sunk because "we" are prevented from "having Christmas trees and parties at school, and celebrating the birth of our Savior with nativity scenes on courthouse lawns. "

Truly Ms. Jones, these are insensitive and  selfish thoughts; full of self-righteousness and nothing like the spirit of Christmas.  Please tell me where you pay school taxes so that I may write a letter to the editor expressing my sadness that, therein, no one has made allowance for celebrations by the Wickins or maybe, God forbid, the Puritans (who would be aghast at your pagan celebrations.)

It makes me angry that despite all your whining you hypocritically bemoan the lack of the "wherewithal to stand up for our beliefs . . . times are changing . . . there's more focus on diversity and less assumption that everyone comes from the same background."  Who's beliefs, diversity and backgrounds do you find acceptable and of whom would you say "they" are unacceptable? Who would you deny the same rights you demand for yourself?

Then then you drag out the old, tired tactic, so common to those like yourself who believe themselves to be the appointed guardians of all that is right with the world by pointing out how much better we treat minorities and different cultures by making the my sin is not as bad as your sin, with the old comparison of  "What do you suppose would happen if we, as Americans, immigrated to another country whose culture had different beliefs and celebrations?

Go back to your Bible Ms. Jones, find a copy of the Constitution, read them, and then ask yourself this.  Is it the purpose of the Bible and Christianity to make your beliefs and actions before God acceptable and made righteous in His eyes through your own acts by comparing yourself to those whose behaviors, customs and beliefs are worse than your own?  Or is it not the purpose of the Bible and Constitution for you to make yourself better through your actions, not just your words, than those upon whom you would rather deflect our examining your acts, words and beliefs.

Indeed, Ms. Jones, as you say, "Merry Christmas. God bless you. Joy to the world and peace and goodwill to all."

But in my case Ms. Jones, I wish those who do not believe in Christmas that by my actions and words they understand its spirit and not just its outward trappings.  I hope that God blesses the "you" that encompasses even those unlike myself and that "peace and goodwill" be not only a wish expressed, but also reasons to act such that "peace and goodwill" are made real and not just meaningless phrases wished to those who act, believe and celebrate in the same manner.

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