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How bitterly crest-fallen we are when we are forced to look low and not high to find our idols then to discover they have feet of clay.
I am angered by references to the news from State College, Pa. summarizing these events as a tragedy. This is no epic with heroes exhibiting strength of their virtue against willful, vengeful interference from the gods above or the mortals below.
This is a tawdry tail of men who failed to demonstrate virtue when called upon to do so.
This is a tawdry tail of men who failed to demonstrate virtue when called upon to do so.
There are tragedies here; each of them telling the tale of a child abused in the worst possible way. But, the tale of "Penn State" has subsumed them all.
Each of the abused suffered a fate of vile excess they did not deserve. However, the fate which has befallen the Penn State football program is self-inflicted, and therefore, in my opinion, does not rise to the high-level tragedy wherein an innocent actor suffers despite his best efforts and laudable motivation.
Each of the abused suffered a fate of vile excess they did not deserve. However, the fate which has befallen the Penn State football program is self-inflicted, and therefore, in my opinion, does not rise to the high-level tragedy wherein an innocent actor suffers despite his best efforts and laudable motivation.
This is a nasty story starring protagonists seeking to act under the cover darkness played out in the gutter of human excess.
This story gets ever more sickening as the days pass.
As the depth of this cover-up becomes known, anyone reading the continuing developments must rightfully ask themselves would I have done otherwise? The truth is we don't and won't know until tested by the "uncomfortable" situations with which we are all presented sometime in our lives.
There are too many grown men, who knew the required but uncomfortable correct course of action involved in this chain of events to give any of them a free pass.
But, to those men who "watched" but did not "act" while a child was raped in the showers, and to those men to whom the details of this crime were recounted but did not act, I will say this.
In my opinion you are ALL pedophiles.
How many times have your revisited this scene in your mind? And, when you did so, was it through thoughtful contrition of what you should have done? Or was it in preparation for and some background visual during the sin of Onanism?
In my opinion the answer is your didn't act in public so you could act in private.
Your ongoing knowledge of these acts without taking measures to make them public demonstrate that your private thoughts were disgusting carnal acts of self-satisfaction.
Did you fantasize about what you saw or knew?
I think you did and you enjoyed it.
How many times have your revisited this scene in your mind? And, when you did so, was it through thoughtful contrition of what you should have done? Or was it in preparation for and some background visual during the sin of Onanism?
In my opinion the answer is your didn't act in public so you could act in private.
Your ongoing knowledge of these acts without taking measures to make them public demonstrate that your private thoughts were disgusting carnal acts of self-satisfaction.
Did you fantasize about what you saw or knew?
I think you did and you enjoyed it.
Your acts of omission say to me that you would rather torture yourselves with guilty enjoyment rather than admitting openly to yourselves in your mind, or through public comment, your revulsion.
In the dark, alone private places did your hand reach out to yourself or the phone?
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