When I looked up the definition of the term "bashing" this is what I found:
Noun: |
The truth is, growth in income over the past twenty-years have gone mostly to those who are in the minority of citizens (per population) while the majority of citizens have seen their income increase little or nothing at all.
Ms. Harrison should review her that those who want a more equitable distribution of the sacrifices we must all make to meet our nation's needs. This is not jealousy, it is a common desire that sharing in the benefits derived from public taxation policies be made equivalent to a proportional sacrifice when public taxation policy needs to be changed.
Stop asking why me Ms. Harrison and start asking why not me?
What's with all the bashing of the wealthy, rich or just people that have money? Almost every letter on this subject is why we should tax them more than the average Joe. I suspect that money was made by good decisions, smart thinking, and enviable timing.
If people with money were taxed beyond the reasonable limit the window of investment would get smaller by every day. Nowhere is it written in our laws that those people are required to invest in anything. Jealousy is obvious on most of the letters from people ranting about why the "elite" should be "punished" for success.
If you can't adjust to others' success, you are in for a real awakening in life.
If people with money were taxed beyond the reasonable limit the window of investment would get smaller by every day. Nowhere is it written in our laws that those people are required to invest in anything. Jealousy is obvious on most of the letters from people ranting about why the "elite" should be "punished" for success.
If you can't adjust to others' success, you are in for a real awakening in life.
Susie Harrison, Heath
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