Just Like the Nazis did in Germany, before the election, the right-wing fascist in the United States are masquerading as common folk, conservative, but reasonable.
But, after the election, which the Nazi's lost, they let go all their pent up anger and hatred upon the general populace and the rightfully elected government, public and private institutions which they view as key to their defeat in the election and most necessary of elimination in order for them to gain control through violence and intimidation.
This is what awaits the United States. These right-wing nuts, such as the “Tea Party” will not accept the inevitable defeat which is headed their way. As I predicted, months ago, based on the non-electable freak-show of candidates the Republican Party is putting forth as potential candidates, Barack Obama will be re-elected President for a second term and more important, the Democrats will take control of both house of the national legislature.
This will be a dangerous time for the United States. The Republican Party has stirred up so much hatred, such divisiveness, such a sectarian view that Christianity and “their” way of life, that there will almost certainly be an assassination attempt made on the President and key members of Congress; probably very early into the second administration of President Barack.
Make no mistake about this folks – there is nothing left of the Republican Party that could on it's own count on a sufficient base from the general electorate to win an election. The Republican Party today consists of nothing more than an ever-more increasingly segregated community of sectarians who do not even like each other much less agree to the point that they can come up with something even resembling a platform capable of appealing to a sufficient number of the general electorate to elect a President of the United States.
Their party has prostituted itself to all of those of the lowest common denominator which can only be described as “anything, anyone, but Barack Obama. On the very day after Barack Obama, the Tea Party fascist-led Republican leaders said, that above all else, even above the interests of the nation itself, their sole and primary purpose was to see to it that Barack Obama was a one-term President. Their anti-anything Obama policies are to blame for the monumental problems that face this nation today. They hate Barack Obama so much that they have given up any pretense of acting in the interest of the United States. They seek to act only in the interest of those who can not bear the idea that the United States is lead by a black man; particularly a black man with an interest in finding the middle-ground that addresses most – if not all – of the ills that our nation faces.
I give you evidence of the deceitful nature of these people's hatred and misrepresentation of the facts, their despicable twisting of the truth, and outright disregard for reason in the form of this letter, written to the editors at The Dallas Morning News, which I will have further comment upon, after you read this piece of propaganda.
Re: "Divisive end to divisive year," Sunday Letters.
Dear left-wing Letters to the Editor writers:
No, the Republican Party is not perfect. Nor are tea party members "radicals." However, even if I were a Democrat, I would think long and hard before I voted for another socialist/Marxist regime.
Surely, you have figured out that there is nothing left of the Democratic Party. It has been hijacked. If you have any doubts, please Google "Clower and Piven" and study up.
America was founded to be a capitalist republic. It is neither a democracy nor, yet, a socialist state. (You may want to look up that difference, also.)
Dear left-wing Letters to the Editor writers:
No, the Republican Party is not perfect. Nor are tea party members "radicals." However, even if I were a Democrat, I would think long and hard before I voted for another socialist/Marxist regime.
Surely, you have figured out that there is nothing left of the Democratic Party. It has been hijacked. If you have any doubts, please Google "Clower and Piven" and study up.
America was founded to be a capitalist republic. It is neither a democracy nor, yet, a socialist state. (You may want to look up that difference, also.)
David K. Johnson, Rowlett
Mr. David K. Johnson of Rowlett, Texas is an apologist for the Republican Party of the first order. He is probably of the sort who would say the “Nazis” were not radicals. The Tea Party member hold up signs and scream profanities at the President that can not even be shown on cable television they are so vile and full of hate. But, he excuses his own party under the simple words that “No, the Republican Party is not perfect.” This is his first step in undermining the truth of the matter. He sets up a “straw-man” argument suggesting that someone, or anyone for that matter, has suggested that the Republican Party need be perfect in the first place.
This is not the case. The citizens of the United States are well aware of the fact that their elected representatives are not perfect or without defects. We simply as that they demonstrate a common-sense understanding of the horrible economic conditions that face the great majority of citizens in this nation. We expect them to be minimally better informed than ourselves of the general facts – yet we get a Texas governor who can't remember the voting age or which of the many important government departments he would wipe out with the stroke of a pen. I mean, this mindless idiot would eliminate the Department of Energy and can't even remember he wants to do so. We have some backwoods, white-trash Republican woman from the State of Minnesota who thinks John Wayne, the actor, is the same person as John Wayne Gacy, one of the worst serial-killers United States history. We have a black man, who could not even run a pizza company successfully, and apparently drops his hands and zippers on every white woman he traps in an elevator on the way up to his hotel room, we have Ron Paul, who is so far out of touch with the realities his mindless rantings would cause in our society that he must believe he has a time machine in which he can go back and remake history, the list of these idiots and their comments so far out of this world that they must be suffering from a permanent disconnect with reality – as in psychotics – just never, never ends. Every day brings us new and mind-numbing bungling of the facts, time, history and current events, that even a middle-school child would blush at their complete disregard of the truth.
In short, Mr. Johnson, no one ever asked for a perfect Republican Party, but we do ask that it have at least some pivot point touching on the realities of life for the majority of citizens in this country.
Then, Mr. Johnson, further demonstrates his underlying bias in this comment, “However, even if I were a Democrat, I would think long and hard before I voted for another socialist/Marxist regime.”
Well, Mr. Johnson, pull your head out of your ass and grab a dictionary because here are the definitions of “socialist” and “Marxist” regimes.
For socialist:
a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
For Marxist:
(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the economic and political theory and practice originated by the German political philosophers Karl Marx (1818-83) and Friedrich Engels (1820-95), that holds that actions and human institutions are economically determined, that the class struggle is the basic agency of historical change, and that capitalism will ultimately be superseded by communism
or Regime:
- A government, especially and authoritarian one.
So, Mr. Johnson, your exaggerations are hereby revealed. You throw out inflammatory rhetoric without providing even so much as one instance whereby your words can support their own definitions.
You, Mr. Johnson, are a hate-filled, un-aplogetic liar who uses words not for the purpose of educating but inflaming public opinion with the unspoken desire to appeal to the ignorant so as to raise them to arms against a government that is neither socialist, Marxist or even deserving of the minimal description of the word regime.
I realize you live in Rowlett, the premier public-toilet of Dallas suburbs, where white-trash bigot move to get away from a proper education, where Christianity is everything Christian but in it's acts, where hillbilly back-woods cousins marry each other and reproduce offspring in need of a “special” eduction, but your willfully ignorant misstatement of the facts is too much to bear.
It is the mentally-deranged such as yourself who have torn apart the Republic Party to the point that misinformation, distortion of the truth, disrespect for the facts and a complete lack of logical thought are the only choices of action for pond-scum such as yourself see your influence shrinking day-by-day as the minorities and disenfranchised finally push you off the top of your dung heap.
It is persons such as yourself who will lose this election for the Republicans, protest the outcome that you yourselves have brought about, then demand that everyone take to their bunkers for the apocolpyse to come, and encourage everyone with a gun to take up arms against the rightful government, that you, by default, caused to come to power.
Go back to your village Mr. Johnson, they want their idiot back.
Norris Stough
Lake Highlands, Dallas.
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