I just spent a week in Chicago. I was cold, it snowed, it was windy and cloudy except for two days. Even so, it was a fantastic trip out of the unreal world of what many people prefer to think of Dallas - an international city.
To those in Dallas who refer to it as an international city I suggest you take a trip out of Dallas, and out of Texas specifically, to see what a real "international" city is like - some city such as Chicago - even during winter, but even better in summer.
The difference is not primarily size - but outlook. Chicago has it and Dallas does not. In my opinion the difference has everything to do with an outlook dictated by a government - both local and state - that has no interest in embracing the tolerance, acceptance of the right to a minimal quality of life, despite one's income, and an understanding that being an international city means accepting the fact that those "international" visitors have no interest in adapting their customs and beliefs for the short time they are visiting Dallas.
In Dallas, that which is different is not embraced. That which is different is not evaluated with mind-set that those differences just might be an improvement to the status quo.
Texas, as a whole, is much too far inbred, too insular, too full of prejudice and preconceived notions, for any city, no matter how much they try to truly be considered an "international" city.
That Dallas is in Texas is not a situation that can be changed. But one has to ask the obvious question of why the major metropolitan areas such as DFW, Houston, San Antonio don't put their collective legislative might to promote laws, regulatory actions and, most importantly, influence over the state budget, so that these areas who are the primary representatives to the international community, can actually transform themselves into locations that the international community visiting Dallas would, of there own accord bestow upon these cities the much coveted designation of their being "international" cities.
Next installment. Why Texas can be such an industrial and economic powerhouse, so large, have so many natural resources, so many natural attractions and yet, can not transform itself from the state that ranks 2nd in size but below median state average in things such as education, environmental quality, racial equality and quality of life. The answers to those questions are the answers to why Dallas will never be an international city.
Random Observations from Dallas -
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Thursday, January 26, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Tim Tebow and the Tebow Family Demonstrated Their Hypocritical "Cafeteria Style" Christianity.
Tim Tebow is the byproduct of the inculcation in the hypocritical practices of all Baptists, particularly proselytizing Baptists, by his parents. He is a hypocrite but he was raised to be one, like all Baptists. Take a look at this side by side comparison of his bio and his upbringing and some of his actual behavior and public but very selective endorsements of the Bible; all of which this hypocritical, mindless, home-schooled idiot jock is guilty of.
Has anyone asked this ass-wipe for proof of his citizenship? | |
While pregnant, his mother suffered a life-threatening infection with a pathogenic amoeba. Because of the drugs used to rouse her from a coma and to treat her dysentery, the fetus experienced a severe placental abruption. Doctors had expected a stillbirth and recommended an abortion to protect her life,[1] although abortions are illegal in the Philippines, but she decided not to have one. | How does Mr. Tebow respond to the right-wing conservative activists currently running for the Republican nominee for the 2012 presidential election? He seems to have a lot to say against the rights of individuals to have abortions, based on his having not been one, but has nothing to say about the conservative activists who would prevent abortions, even for medically necessary reasons in cases of rape or incest. Is he suggesting that his mothers personal decision not to have an abortion should not be a choice available to pregnant woman in cases even worse than his own mothers? In other words, is he saying my mom did the right thing and because of that other women, in similar difficult circumstances, should not even be allowed the same choice his mother was allowed? |
All of the Tebow children were homeschooled by their mother, who worked to instill the family's Christian beliefs along the way.[11] In 1996, legislation was passed in Florida allowing homeschooled students to compete in local high school sporting events. The law specifies that homeschooled students may participate on the team of the local school in the school district in which they live. | All of the right-wing conservative groups rail against the “special” privileges supposedly allowed to other religious groups, minorities and so on. But if this is the case, why is it that parents, such as those of Mr. Tebow should be allowed to take advantage of this specia exception granted by the Florida Legislature that benefit those who despise public school teaching but want to have their cake and eat it too by taking advantage of the public school athletic system. Hypocrisy in action folks. |
The Tebows lived in Jacksonville, Florida, and he played linebacker and tight end at the local Trinity Christian Academy for one season. Tebow's preferred position was quarterback, but Trinity football team's offense did not rely on passing the football, so he began to explore his options to play for a new high school.[17] He decided to attend Nease High School, which under head coach Craig Howard was known for having a passing offense. With the rest of his family living on a farm in Duval County, Tim and his mother moved into an apartment in nearby St. Johns County, making him eligible to play for the football team at Nease. His performance soon turned heads and led to a minor controversy regarding the fact that he was a home-schooled student having his choice of school to play for.[18] | So, Tebow's parents opt out of public schooling and then shop around for a public school district which best favors Mr. Tebows football abilities. They break up their family by dividing it by moving mom and son into a district in which the rest of the family does not live so as to take advantage of the public schools they made such a fuss about wanting to get out of in the first place. This is first-degree hypocrisy. But, just like all conservative right-wing free-loaders they want the best of both worlds but want the public schools to subsidize their special interest. Sounds like Jesse Helms or Strom Thurmond rambling on about “special” treatments for black people in the South. Disgusting in every aspect. |
| |
Upon becoming the first home-schooled athlete to be nominated for the Heisman Trophy, Tebow remarked, "That's really cool. A lot of times people have this stereotype of homeschoolers as not very athletic – it's like, go win a spelling bee or something like that – it's an honor for me to be the first one to do that."[32] | Yeah Tim, you hypocrite. We'd all like to have the advantage of picking and choosing which options are the best for us. Unfortunately, not everyone is granted the “all you can eat” buffet of Florida's athletically driven legislature. The majority of your peers “suffered” through a public education, in the district we they lived, and made the best of it. “Win a spelling bee” indeed. Can you spell “hypocrite?” Would you like me to use it in a sentence such as, “Tim Tebow is a hypocrite for espousing home-schooling, an impossible option for most public-school students, yet took advantage of the public schools to push ahead in his dream to be a star football player so he shopped around public school districts to find one that would suit him.” What a piece of work you earthworm of a human being. |
A nationwide controversy surrounded Tebow's decision to appear in an ad funded by the socially conservative organization Focus on the Family that was broadcast during Super Bowl XLIV on CBS.[141][142] There were two 30-second commercials, which included Tebow's personal story as part of an overall pro-life stance. The abortion issue was not specifically mentioned in the ad.[143] Pro-choice groups condemned the ad,[144] while pro-life groups rallied around Tebow.[145] | Yep, I saw the ad's and they were an “in your face” see how good not having an abortion can be insult to single mothers, abandoned woman, abused and raped woman suggesting and implying that all abortions deprive us of the likes of the great “Tim Tebow” and if theses poor, misguided woman would just NOT have that abortion somehow, their bay's life would be just as wonderful and perfect an act Mr. Tebows. NOT. |
GO AHEAD, HAVE A LOCUST Of them you may eat: the locust according to its kind." -- Leviticus 11:22 While the Bible strictly forbids eating shellfish, pork, rabbits, blood and certain birds of prey such as eagles and vultures, locusts (those bugs that are considered a "plague" in another part of the Good Book) are perfect for snack time or anytime. | Mr. Tebow, who grew up in Hawaii and Florida, with some really off the wall Baptists parentage has eaten both shell fish and pork in public. Since he is so well known for “cherry-picking” Bible versus for his eye-black, I suggest he try this one on for size. It seems to be a Tebow family tradition to pick and choose what they want and then excuse themselves for their hypocrisy – a la' separate families in separate school districts. |
NO MIXING FIBERS "Neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woolen come upon thee." -- Leviticus 19:19 The Bible forbids wearing cloth made out of a mix of wool and linen, but other fiber combinations are fine. | I want to see Tebow fully dressed, down to his undies in either cotton or linen, but not both. However, I don't think linen underwear would rub his nuts to satisfaction so I suspect he will keep his 100% cotton jock. |
GROW YOUR BEARD "Ye shall not round the corners of your heads." -- Leviticus 19:27 | Hey Tim, the fact that your agent tells you that your unshaven, dirty three-day beard makes you marketable to the female audience, I think you said you adhere to the instructions of a higher authority so let's see you in the full wooly beard your Baptist belief in the inerrant words of the Bible demands. |
AVOID 'UNCLEAN' WOMEN "When a woman has a discharge of blood, which is her regular discharge from her body, she shall be in her impurity for seven days, and whoever touches her shall be unclean until evening." -- Leviticus 15:19-20 In case the Bible's language is a too coy for you, whenever a woman has her period she becomes impure, and whatever she sits or lies on during those seven days is also impure. Anyone who sits where she has sat becomes impure by association. | Hey Tim, I hope you kept track of your mom's periods, wouldn't want you to have sat down on something like a chair or sofa made nasty by your mom or sister's dischages. |
NO CURSING "Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place...." -- Ephesians 5:4 There are two genres of biblically naughty words, according to Jacobs: blasphemy and profanity. Blasphemy is taking the Lord's name in vain. As for profanity, he explains, it's unclear what is and isn't allowed. Common sense would dictate a few obvious ones, but even the Bible refers to "dung" and "piss" in Ezekiel 23:20. | Hey Timbo, there is nothing more blasphemous than taking the name of the Lord in vain. And there is nothing more vain than praying to the Lord publicly asking for his help in a football game you stupid jock. |
KEEP THE SABBATH HOLY "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy." -- Exodus 20:8 Taking one day off a a week to rest and meditate on God shouldn't be tough, right? Well, that all depends on how seriously you take the Sabbath (which for Jews is on Saturday and for Christians, Sunday). | Well, you're completely fucked in this regard dude. |
Kill anyone with a different religion. (Deuteronomy 17:2-7) | I bet this one must be a real inspiration for you Timbo. You're parents, as missionaries failed in their responsibilities here. They should have had a couple AK-47's and just wiped out all them there heathens in the Philippines. |
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Mocking tim Tebow - You Bet, Every Chance I Get - But not as much as Tim Tebow mocks Christianity
TDear Readers,
Check out this link for an example of the sheer hypocrisy of the Christian Coalition and it's undisguised efforts to propagandize for its ulterior, but still very visible, agenda.
Poor Tim Tebow, puts himself out there, publicly defying the Christian tenants of prayer, as Christ commanded, making a spectacle of himself by prostrating and publicly shoving his face in the face of people who just want to watch football, and then gets criticized for it. As if any of us should be immune to criticism for our intentional, orchestrated, self-serving public behavior.
Yet, here we have the Christian Coalition coming to his defense as if one's public actions don't openly invite public comment; some of it very critical.
“I think that atheists just need to get over it,” Michele Combs, spokeswoman for the Christian Coalition, tells CBS Denver. “He’s a Christian giving his ability to God. What’s wrong with that?”
Well, Michele there are several things wrong with that. The first thing being that you think the criticism comes only from atheists. Wrong. The Christian Coalition positions itself as if it is the single and only mouth piece of the Christian faith, but in truth they represent a miserably small portion of adherents to Christianity.
The truth is that the larger majority of Christianity is embarrassed and disturbed by Mr. Tebow's actions; embarrassed to see their faith prostituted for personal promotion and disturbed to find that faith has been hijacked by the likes of Ms.Combs who talk, talk, talk talk and talk some more about Christianity but won't for a moment walk the walk.
The Christian Coalition was (important was) a major proponent of the WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) movement until it became just too inconvenient for them to actually practice and the embarrassment of constantly speaking out and acting out in ways so obviously contrary to WJWD became indefensible. For, as in the story referenced above, Jesus had a much lower view of public prayer than do Ms. Combs and the Christian Coalition.
As Mr. Silverman says, "if Tebow is truly a Christian, he would pray in private, not public. It is not surprising Tebow ignores Matthew 6:5 in which Jesus says, ‘When you pray, do not pray like the hypocrites in the street,’” Silverman says. “They pray to be seen praying. Pray in the closet.”
So, yes, I mock Tim Tebow and his public prostrations of faith but doing so is not the same thing as mocking Christianity as Ms. Combs would have one believe. The road to salvation through Christ is a difficult one, involving many sacrafices and great number of obligations - but not one of them includes public demonstrations of faith through prayer. Plain and simple, Mr. Tebow and Ms. Combs are self-righteous hypocrites with an agenda. That agenda finds public prayer to be useful for future gains and self-promotion, but has absolutely nothing to do with professional football.
Mr. Tebow is an idiot-jock who read too much of his own public relations effort, sees it in the newspaper and then believes it to be true. He may very well be a Christian, but his public prayer is not the sort of public witness - through acts - that Christ commended. Unfortunately, now having played the fool for the base interest of his self-promotion down the line and after his football career, he finds himself an object of adoration and a tool to be used by the likes of the Christian coalition for its unrelated secular purposes.
Ms. Combs said, "she believes people embrace his show of faith. 'I think more positive has come from this. Young athletes look up to him.'" Indeed they do Ms. Combs and this makes them ripe for the pickings doesn't' it? They look up to him as an athlete and you would piggy back on that to promote your secular agenda on the basis that young people do not think critically without some real life experience, so now is the time to grab their attention, inculcate them into group, play on their faith in an athlete and turn it toward a faith in God which you will be standing by to tell them how to practice their faith , vote, live, judge others, and generally follow the party line when it comes to making secular decisions that have nothing to with faith and everything to do with politics.
If it walks like a duck, talks likes a duck then its a duck in my opinion. Ms. Combs and the Christian Coalition walk like fascist, talk like fascist and are indeed fascists. The greatest example of which, Nazi Germany, this country sacrificed many a Christian and non-Christian alike, in order to protect our right to criticise in public, the public acts of our fellow citizens, whether Christian or not. The Nazi's had a particular expertise in attaching their political and social agendas to those individuals with a cultural following. Those individuals who went along with the agenda were promoted by the Nazi propaganda machine, a' la Joseph Goebbles. Those who didn't go along were silenced a' la Auschwitz.
Believe you me folks, the moment Tim Tebow becomes inconvenient to their cause, the Christian Coalition and Ms. Combs will throw him overboard faster than a bunch of Titanic survivors in a life boat with a corpse who can no longer row.
There is nothing to see here folks but a train wreck and your rubber-necking is just making getting along all that much more difficult for the rest of us.


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Check out this link for an example of the sheer hypocrisy of the Christian Coalition and it's undisguised efforts to propagandize for its ulterior, but still very visible, agenda.
Poor Tim Tebow, puts himself out there, publicly defying the Christian tenants of prayer, as Christ commanded, making a spectacle of himself by prostrating and publicly shoving his face in the face of people who just want to watch football, and then gets criticized for it. As if any of us should be immune to criticism for our intentional, orchestrated, self-serving public behavior.
Yet, here we have the Christian Coalition coming to his defense as if one's public actions don't openly invite public comment; some of it very critical.
“I think that atheists just need to get over it,” Michele Combs, spokeswoman for the Christian Coalition, tells CBS Denver. “He’s a Christian giving his ability to God. What’s wrong with that?”
Well, Michele there are several things wrong with that. The first thing being that you think the criticism comes only from atheists. Wrong. The Christian Coalition positions itself as if it is the single and only mouth piece of the Christian faith, but in truth they represent a miserably small portion of adherents to Christianity.
The truth is that the larger majority of Christianity is embarrassed and disturbed by Mr. Tebow's actions; embarrassed to see their faith prostituted for personal promotion and disturbed to find that faith has been hijacked by the likes of Ms.Combs who talk, talk, talk talk and talk some more about Christianity but won't for a moment walk the walk.
The Christian Coalition was (important was) a major proponent of the WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) movement until it became just too inconvenient for them to actually practice and the embarrassment of constantly speaking out and acting out in ways so obviously contrary to WJWD became indefensible. For, as in the story referenced above, Jesus had a much lower view of public prayer than do Ms. Combs and the Christian Coalition.
As Mr. Silverman says, "if Tebow is truly a Christian, he would pray in private, not public. It is not surprising Tebow ignores Matthew 6:5 in which Jesus says, ‘When you pray, do not pray like the hypocrites in the street,’” Silverman says. “They pray to be seen praying. Pray in the closet.”
So, yes, I mock Tim Tebow and his public prostrations of faith but doing so is not the same thing as mocking Christianity as Ms. Combs would have one believe. The road to salvation through Christ is a difficult one, involving many sacrafices and great number of obligations - but not one of them includes public demonstrations of faith through prayer. Plain and simple, Mr. Tebow and Ms. Combs are self-righteous hypocrites with an agenda. That agenda finds public prayer to be useful for future gains and self-promotion, but has absolutely nothing to do with professional football.
Mr. Tebow is an idiot-jock who read too much of his own public relations effort, sees it in the newspaper and then believes it to be true. He may very well be a Christian, but his public prayer is not the sort of public witness - through acts - that Christ commended. Unfortunately, now having played the fool for the base interest of his self-promotion down the line and after his football career, he finds himself an object of adoration and a tool to be used by the likes of the Christian coalition for its unrelated secular purposes.
Ms. Combs said, "she believes people embrace his show of faith. 'I think more positive has come from this. Young athletes look up to him.'" Indeed they do Ms. Combs and this makes them ripe for the pickings doesn't' it? They look up to him as an athlete and you would piggy back on that to promote your secular agenda on the basis that young people do not think critically without some real life experience, so now is the time to grab their attention, inculcate them into group, play on their faith in an athlete and turn it toward a faith in God which you will be standing by to tell them how to practice their faith , vote, live, judge others, and generally follow the party line when it comes to making secular decisions that have nothing to with faith and everything to do with politics.
If it walks like a duck, talks likes a duck then its a duck in my opinion. Ms. Combs and the Christian Coalition walk like fascist, talk like fascist and are indeed fascists. The greatest example of which, Nazi Germany, this country sacrificed many a Christian and non-Christian alike, in order to protect our right to criticise in public, the public acts of our fellow citizens, whether Christian or not. The Nazi's had a particular expertise in attaching their political and social agendas to those individuals with a cultural following. Those individuals who went along with the agenda were promoted by the Nazi propaganda machine, a' la Joseph Goebbles. Those who didn't go along were silenced a' la Auschwitz.
Believe you me folks, the moment Tim Tebow becomes inconvenient to their cause, the Christian Coalition and Ms. Combs will throw him overboard faster than a bunch of Titanic survivors in a life boat with a corpse who can no longer row.
There is nothing to see here folks but a train wreck and your rubber-necking is just making getting along all that much more difficult for the rest of us.
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Friday, January 6, 2012
Dallas Aqurium Enthusiasts - Forget About North Texas Aquariusm - Check Out A Glimpse of The Ocean
Okay folks, I admit this is a plug for a company, the owner of which has serviced my aquariums for over 10 years now. He has installed, maintained, decorated and moved my tanks for that time now and frankly, I would not have anyone else in my house. In fact, I had to go out to the Internet to get his contact information since his former employers have gone out of business.
Caleb, the owner has, as I said, done all my aquarium work to perfection. He was formerly employed by Boutique Pet Shop on which recently and suddenly went out of business, leaving us long time customers in a bind, with little to choose from other than North Texas Aquarium or The Fish Gallery.
North Texas Aquarium is a big company with lots of major install and maintenance contracts, such as those aquariums at Presbyterian Hospital Dallas. I find them difficult to deal with and they don't have a particular interest in smaller-scale aquarium enthusiasts such as myself. Fish Gallery is okay, but there customer service is seriously lacking, the prices of their aquarium products are the highest in town and their fish selection, while extensive, is over-prices.
So, when I had to move a atank recently I went out on the Internet to see if I could get some contact infor because I wanted his service in particular. I found out that he has started his own company A Glimpse of the Ocean
I highly recommend his company and his services to the smaller hobbyists up to and including the largest installations. You will get the best prices in town and the personalized attention your tank - small or large - deserves.
An to the folks at Presbyterian Hospital let me tell you the fish in your tanks are sickly. While they may seem spectacular on first view, a closer examination of the fish and the tanks reveals the fish are not well fed or the water quality well maintained. The reason for this is that, North Texas Aquariums, because of its size advantage, finds it more economical to simply replace sick and ailing fish with new fish rather than properly feed the fish and maintain the tanks you have. But I ask, you, is it really proper for a hospital to be responsible for the deaths of so many fish in the pursuit of making economies of scale work for North Texas Aquariums?
Check out his company and his services. You will not be disappointed.
A Glimpse of the Ocean -- Aquarium Service -- Moving and Maintenance
Caleb M. / Owner
Our Aquarium Services include:
• All inclusive Maintenance services (Includes all equipment needed to service your aquarium)
• Commercial & Residential
• Scheduled Weekly, bi-weekly and/or Monthly Maintenance Programs
• Aquarium Moves
• Vacation Feeding / Care
• Complete Freshwater, Saltwater & Reef Aquariums
With over 14 years of aquatic environment maintenance, cleaning, and design experience, the professionals at A Glimpse of the Ocean can move install, maintain and clean stunning fresh and salt water aquariums. And by working with several fish/aquatic animal providers, and wholesalers we can acquire almost anything you need at a reasonable price.
Thanks, Caleb
Web Site: www.aGlimpseoftheOcean.com
Phone: 469-595-3086
Caleb, the owner has, as I said, done all my aquarium work to perfection. He was formerly employed by Boutique Pet Shop on which recently and suddenly went out of business, leaving us long time customers in a bind, with little to choose from other than North Texas Aquarium or The Fish Gallery.
North Texas Aquarium is a big company with lots of major install and maintenance contracts, such as those aquariums at Presbyterian Hospital Dallas. I find them difficult to deal with and they don't have a particular interest in smaller-scale aquarium enthusiasts such as myself. Fish Gallery is okay, but there customer service is seriously lacking, the prices of their aquarium products are the highest in town and their fish selection, while extensive, is over-prices.
So, when I had to move a atank recently I went out on the Internet to see if I could get some contact infor because I wanted his service in particular. I found out that he has started his own company A Glimpse of the Ocean
I highly recommend his company and his services to the smaller hobbyists up to and including the largest installations. You will get the best prices in town and the personalized attention your tank - small or large - deserves.
An to the folks at Presbyterian Hospital let me tell you the fish in your tanks are sickly. While they may seem spectacular on first view, a closer examination of the fish and the tanks reveals the fish are not well fed or the water quality well maintained. The reason for this is that, North Texas Aquariums, because of its size advantage, finds it more economical to simply replace sick and ailing fish with new fish rather than properly feed the fish and maintain the tanks you have. But I ask, you, is it really proper for a hospital to be responsible for the deaths of so many fish in the pursuit of making economies of scale work for North Texas Aquariums?
Check out his company and his services. You will not be disappointed.
A Glimpse of the Ocean -- Aquarium Service -- Moving and Maintenance
Caleb M. / Owner
Our Aquarium Services include:
• All inclusive Maintenance services (Includes all equipment needed to service your aquarium)
• Commercial & Residential
• Scheduled Weekly, bi-weekly and/or Monthly Maintenance Programs
• Aquarium Moves
• Vacation Feeding / Care
• Complete Freshwater, Saltwater & Reef Aquariums
With over 14 years of aquatic environment maintenance, cleaning, and design experience, the professionals at A Glimpse of the Ocean can move install, maintain and clean stunning fresh and salt water aquariums. And by working with several fish/aquatic animal providers, and wholesalers we can acquire almost anything you need at a reasonable price.
Thanks, Caleb
Web Site: www.aGlimpseoftheOcean.com
Phone: 469-595-3086
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
How little we know of the sufferings of others. In sympathy to my uncle Martin on the loss of his wife Linda.
I learned today of the passing of my Aunt Linda, second wife of my uncle Martin; my mother's only brother.
I never met Linda, my sporadic ramblings never having intersected with his, but I'm told by my mother and other family members of just how much joy and peace my aunt brought to my uncle.
His has not been an easy life. His first wife died of cancer and too soon again, his second wife succumbed to the same.
When I read the email from my mother I was sitting here alone, at home, wondering about what horrific blunder had been made by the government or the republican candidates today, that I might find interest in commenting upon in my blog.
But the news of my aunt's passing, set all that aside temporarily as I stopped to consider how little we know of other people's sufferings.
It occurred to me that while distant appeals for financial help over the television reach us everyday, for people we don't know, and to which we most likely do not respond, there also come to us infrequently, the sufferings of those closest to us but which happen far apart and seem far away from today's petty worries and inconveniences.
But why is it that the much greater sufferings of those we know, or should know, better are often less discomfiting than they should be because time, distance, difference in upbringing, and a whole host of other, minor things which we magnify into an importance which they do not deserve, makes us almost immune to the pain felt by those who should be closest to us.
As I sat down to write a note of sympathy on my all occasion personalized stationary I thought to myself how meager was my ability to offer any real consolation to my uncle.
Why is this so? I have had so many friends pass-away from HIV, the loss of which I suffered on my own, that perhaps I have grown immune to the suffering of others.
I think of my first partner, Jerry Guiterrez, who died only 8 months after we met and I remember completely his unique ability to make me laugh, something I have never completely regained.
I think of my second partner, Burl, a small town boy with small-town dreams I could never meet and wonder did he know when he died that it was me and not his circumstances that kept us apart.
I think of my best friend from childhood, George, who left without a word to me, to die alone because he did not want to be a burden or be remembered as anything less than when he was in his prime.
And, I realize I suffered these losses on my own because I had built a wall between me and those who might understand because of what I thought was my unique situation and the less said to me the less I had to expose of myself and how much it cost me each time someone so close to me died. A needless and unwarranted separation from those, like my family, who would have understood if only I had shared how angry I was with such an unjust world and the pain it had to inflict.
Today, my actions would be different. My family understand me better than I think and they would have been there to help and understand when I needed them. But it has taken three decades of such losses for me to learn that.
So, I think of my uncle Marty. So distant in Montana, suffering a loss only he fully understands and I pray he understands that family and friends will pass over and through such walls of separation if we let them. They won't ever fully understand the loss he feels, because they weren't there when so many of the memories were made and simply being with his wife was enough to erase the petty, small unhappinesses of the day, in order to enjoy the simpleness of being in the presence of someone we love.
Uncle Marty, nothing comes from the death of a loved one but loss. Nothing can fill it and nothing can erase even one moment of the grief.
But the love and sympathy of your family, your friends, and even those minor individuals who fill you life and time can give you memories to fill the days going forward with small bits of joy, that when added together, will give you something other than your loss to fill your days. If you let them. Tell them what you feel.
They already know but they need your permission to enter the private world of sorry, we imagine is ours and ours alone to travel. It is not so. All of your family and friends are with you now, though your loss may make them seem all so very very far away.
God bless you. Remember that God makes the rain to fall upon the just and unjust alike. Upon whom would we wish our sorrows and losses if given the chance to set them on someone else?
Remember the days of pure bright sunlight that we never asked for. Remember the quite, wordless spaces, filled by our thoughts of our loved ones which we never shared.
Remember to put a gate into the wall of your separateness, through which your family and friends may pass and through which you, in time, will pass as well to where family, friends, happiness and God still dwell.
With my utmost respect, your nephew,
Norris Stough


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I never met Linda, my sporadic ramblings never having intersected with his, but I'm told by my mother and other family members of just how much joy and peace my aunt brought to my uncle.
His has not been an easy life. His first wife died of cancer and too soon again, his second wife succumbed to the same.
When I read the email from my mother I was sitting here alone, at home, wondering about what horrific blunder had been made by the government or the republican candidates today, that I might find interest in commenting upon in my blog.
But the news of my aunt's passing, set all that aside temporarily as I stopped to consider how little we know of other people's sufferings.
It occurred to me that while distant appeals for financial help over the television reach us everyday, for people we don't know, and to which we most likely do not respond, there also come to us infrequently, the sufferings of those closest to us but which happen far apart and seem far away from today's petty worries and inconveniences.
But why is it that the much greater sufferings of those we know, or should know, better are often less discomfiting than they should be because time, distance, difference in upbringing, and a whole host of other, minor things which we magnify into an importance which they do not deserve, makes us almost immune to the pain felt by those who should be closest to us.
As I sat down to write a note of sympathy on my all occasion personalized stationary I thought to myself how meager was my ability to offer any real consolation to my uncle.
Why is this so? I have had so many friends pass-away from HIV, the loss of which I suffered on my own, that perhaps I have grown immune to the suffering of others.
I think of my first partner, Jerry Guiterrez, who died only 8 months after we met and I remember completely his unique ability to make me laugh, something I have never completely regained.
I think of my second partner, Burl, a small town boy with small-town dreams I could never meet and wonder did he know when he died that it was me and not his circumstances that kept us apart.
I think of my best friend from childhood, George, who left without a word to me, to die alone because he did not want to be a burden or be remembered as anything less than when he was in his prime.
And, I realize I suffered these losses on my own because I had built a wall between me and those who might understand because of what I thought was my unique situation and the less said to me the less I had to expose of myself and how much it cost me each time someone so close to me died. A needless and unwarranted separation from those, like my family, who would have understood if only I had shared how angry I was with such an unjust world and the pain it had to inflict.
Today, my actions would be different. My family understand me better than I think and they would have been there to help and understand when I needed them. But it has taken three decades of such losses for me to learn that.
So, I think of my uncle Marty. So distant in Montana, suffering a loss only he fully understands and I pray he understands that family and friends will pass over and through such walls of separation if we let them. They won't ever fully understand the loss he feels, because they weren't there when so many of the memories were made and simply being with his wife was enough to erase the petty, small unhappinesses of the day, in order to enjoy the simpleness of being in the presence of someone we love.
Uncle Marty, nothing comes from the death of a loved one but loss. Nothing can fill it and nothing can erase even one moment of the grief.
But the love and sympathy of your family, your friends, and even those minor individuals who fill you life and time can give you memories to fill the days going forward with small bits of joy, that when added together, will give you something other than your loss to fill your days. If you let them. Tell them what you feel.
They already know but they need your permission to enter the private world of sorry, we imagine is ours and ours alone to travel. It is not so. All of your family and friends are with you now, though your loss may make them seem all so very very far away.
God bless you. Remember that God makes the rain to fall upon the just and unjust alike. Upon whom would we wish our sorrows and losses if given the chance to set them on someone else?
Remember the days of pure bright sunlight that we never asked for. Remember the quite, wordless spaces, filled by our thoughts of our loved ones which we never shared.
Remember to put a gate into the wall of your separateness, through which your family and friends may pass and through which you, in time, will pass as well to where family, friends, happiness and God still dwell.
With my utmost respect, your nephew,
Norris Stough
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Friday, December 30, 2011
Japanese: 左翼への手紙 - ロウレットのファシスト共和党の擁護者のDavid K.ジョンソン、テキサス州からダラスモーニングニュースでエディタへの手紙
この人たちについては間違いなく - 一般有権者からの十分な基盤上にそれ自身の数で選挙に勝つために可能性が共和党の左には何もありません。共和党は、今日でも、十分な数にアピールが可能なプラットフォームに似ててもお互いに同じようにはるかに少ない彼らは何かを思い付くことができる点に同意しないsectariansのこれまで以上にますます分離コミュニティ以上のもので構成されています米国の大統領を選出する一般的な有権者。
彼らのパーティは何も、誰もが、バラクオバマ"として記述することができる最小の共通分母のそれらのすべてに自分自身をprostitutedています。まさにその日にバラクオバマ後、ティーパーティーファシスト主導の共和党の指導者たちは、何よりも、国家自体の興味よりも、彼らの唯一と主な目的は、バラクオバマ一長期的であること、それに見ていたこと、言った社長。それらの抗何もオバマの政策は、今日この国に直面する記念碑的な問題に責任があります。彼らは米国の利益のために行動するのいずれかの口実を与えているバラクオバマはそんなに嫌い。彼らは、米国が黒人男性による鉛であるという考えに耐えることができない人々の利益のためにのみ行動するシーク、特にほとんどのアドレスが中道を見つけることに関心を持つ黒人男性 - すべてではない - の私たちの国が直面する苦しみ。
左翼への手紙でDallasnews.com /手紙水で3時37のPM、2011年12月28日|個別ページ日時:日曜日の手紙"分裂年間、に分かれる終わり"。エディタ作家への左翼の手紙親愛なる:いいえ、共和党は完璧ではありません。もお茶会のメンバーです"ラジカル。"私は別の社会主義/マルクス主義政権に賛成票を投じた前にしかし、私は民主党員であったとしても、私は長いし、難しいと思うだろう。確かに、あなたは民主党の左に何もないことを考え出した。それがハイジャックされています。何か疑問がある場合は、Googleは"クラウワーとピヴェン"をしてくださいと詳細に調べる。アメリカは資本主義共和国に設立されました。それは、どちらも民主主義も、まだ、社会主義国家です。 (また、その違いを検索することもできます。)デビッドK.ジョンソン、ロウレット
ロウレット、テキサス州のデービッドK ·ジョンソンは、最初の注文の共和党のための弁解者である。彼は"ナチスが"ラジカルがなかったとは言わないでしょうソート不足している可能性があります。ティーパーティーメンバーは、彼らがその邪悪と憎悪に満ちているにもケーブルテレビ上に表示することができない社長で看板と悲鳴のprofanitiesをホールドアップ。しかし、彼の言い訳これは問題の真実を損なうことの彼の最初のステップです"いいえ、共和党が完璧ではない。"という単純な言葉の下で彼自身のパーティー。彼は、"わらの男"は、誰かを示唆し、引数、またはそのことについては誰もが設定さ共和党は最初の場所で完璧になる必要があることを示唆している。
このような場合ではない。米国の市民は彼らの選ばれた代表が完璧か欠陥がないわけではないという事実をよく認識しています。我々は、単にそのように彼らはこの国の国民の大多数に直面する恐ろしい経済情勢の常識的な理解を示しています。我々は彼らが一般的な事実の自分より低侵襲より良い情報であることを期待 - まだ我々は、投票年齢を覚えていないか、彼はペンのストロークを一掃するだろうその多くの重要な政府部門のテキサス州の知事を得る。私は、この心ないばか者はエネルギー省を削除してしまうことになりますし、さらに彼がそうしたい覚えていないことができます。私たちは、ジョンウェイン、俳優は、ジョンウェインGacy、最悪のシリアルキラー、米国の歴史の一つとして、同一人物であると考えているミネソタ州の州からいくつかのへき地、白いゴミ共和党の女性が持っている。我々は、最大彼のホテルの部屋へ向かう途中のエレベーターで彼はトラップにも成功したピザ会社を経営していることができなかった黒の男が、持っている、と明らかにすべての白人女性に手とジッパーを下回る、我々はこれまでですロンポールを、持っているて彼の愚かなrantingsが、彼は彼がこの世界から戻って、リメイクの歴史、これらの馬鹿のリストとそれらのコメントがこれまでにできるタイムマシンを持っている信じなければならないという我々の社会に原因となる現実との接触の彼らがしなければならないこと精神病のように - - 、終わりのないちょうど決して永久的な現実との切断に苦しむ。毎日でも中学校の子供が真実の彼らの完全な無視で赤面することを、私たちは、新しいと退屈でつまらない事実のへまな、時間、歴史と現在のイベントをもたらします。
社会主義のための:そう· CIAL ·イズム[SOH - shuh -リズ - オム]名詞1。全体として地域社会で、資本、土地などの生産と流通の手段の所有と支配の権利確定を提唱社会組織の理論やシステム。
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Community Service Help


この人たちについては間違いなく - 一般有権者からの十分な基盤上にそれ自身の数で選挙に勝つために可能性が共和党の左には何もありません。共和党は、今日でも、十分な数にアピールが可能なプラットフォームに似ててもお互いに同じようにはるかに少ない彼らは何かを思い付くことができる点に同意しないsectariansのこれまで以上にますます分離コミュニティ以上のもので構成されています米国の大統領を選出する一般的な有権者。
彼らのパーティは何も、誰もが、バラクオバマ"として記述することができる最小の共通分母のそれらのすべてに自分自身をprostitutedています。まさにその日にバラクオバマ後、ティーパーティーファシスト主導の共和党の指導者たちは、何よりも、国家自体の興味よりも、彼らの唯一と主な目的は、バラクオバマ一長期的であること、それに見ていたこと、言った社長。それらの抗何もオバマの政策は、今日この国に直面する記念碑的な問題に責任があります。彼らは米国の利益のために行動するのいずれかの口実を与えているバラクオバマはそんなに嫌い。彼らは、米国が黒人男性による鉛であるという考えに耐えることができない人々の利益のためにのみ行動するシーク、特にほとんどのアドレスが中道を見つけることに関心を持つ黒人男性 - すべてではない - の私たちの国が直面する苦しみ。
左翼への手紙でDallasnews.com /手紙水で3時37のPM、2011年12月28日|個別ページ日時:日曜日の手紙"分裂年間、に分かれる終わり"。エディタ作家への左翼の手紙親愛なる:いいえ、共和党は完璧ではありません。もお茶会のメンバーです"ラジカル。"私は別の社会主義/マルクス主義政権に賛成票を投じた前にしかし、私は民主党員であったとしても、私は長いし、難しいと思うだろう。確かに、あなたは民主党の左に何もないことを考え出した。それがハイジャックされています。何か疑問がある場合は、Googleは"クラウワーとピヴェン"をしてくださいと詳細に調べる。アメリカは資本主義共和国に設立されました。それは、どちらも民主主義も、まだ、社会主義国家です。 (また、その違いを検索することもできます。)デビッドK.ジョンソン、ロウレット
ロウレット、テキサス州のデービッドK ·ジョンソンは、最初の注文の共和党のための弁解者である。彼は"ナチスが"ラジカルがなかったとは言わないでしょうソート不足している可能性があります。ティーパーティーメンバーは、彼らがその邪悪と憎悪に満ちているにもケーブルテレビ上に表示することができない社長で看板と悲鳴のprofanitiesをホールドアップ。しかし、彼の言い訳これは問題の真実を損なうことの彼の最初のステップです"いいえ、共和党が完璧ではない。"という単純な言葉の下で彼自身のパーティー。彼は、"わらの男"は、誰かを示唆し、引数、またはそのことについては誰もが設定さ共和党は最初の場所で完璧になる必要があることを示唆している。
このような場合ではない。米国の市民は彼らの選ばれた代表が完璧か欠陥がないわけではないという事実をよく認識しています。我々は、単にそのように彼らはこの国の国民の大多数に直面する恐ろしい経済情勢の常識的な理解を示しています。我々は彼らが一般的な事実の自分より低侵襲より良い情報であることを期待 - まだ我々は、投票年齢を覚えていないか、彼はペンのストロークを一掃するだろうその多くの重要な政府部門のテキサス州の知事を得る。私は、この心ないばか者はエネルギー省を削除してしまうことになりますし、さらに彼がそうしたい覚えていないことができます。私たちは、ジョンウェイン、俳優は、ジョンウェインGacy、最悪のシリアルキラー、米国の歴史の一つとして、同一人物であると考えているミネソタ州の州からいくつかのへき地、白いゴミ共和党の女性が持っている。我々は、最大彼のホテルの部屋へ向かう途中のエレベーターで彼はトラップにも成功したピザ会社を経営していることができなかった黒の男が、持っている、と明らかにすべての白人女性に手とジッパーを下回る、我々はこれまでですロンポールを、持っているて彼の愚かなrantingsが、彼は彼がこの世界から戻って、リメイクの歴史、これらの馬鹿のリストとそれらのコメントがこれまでにできるタイムマシンを持っている信じなければならないという我々の社会に原因となる現実との接触の彼らがしなければならないこと精神病のように - - 、終わりのないちょうど決して永久的な現実との切断に苦しむ。毎日でも中学校の子供が真実の彼らの完全な無視で赤面することを、私たちは、新しいと退屈でつまらない事実のへまな、時間、歴史と現在のイベントをもたらします。
社会主義のための:そう· CIAL ·イズム[SOH - shuh -リズ - オム]名詞1。全体として地域社会で、資本、土地などの生産と流通の手段の所有と支配の権利確定を提唱社会組織の理論やシステム。
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