Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tim Tebow and the Tebow Family Demonstrated Their Hypocritical "Cafeteria Style" Christianity.

Tim Tebow is the byproduct of the inculcation in the hypocritical practices of all Baptists, particularly proselytizing Baptists, by his parents.  He is a hypocrite but he was raised to be one, like all Baptists.  Take a look at this side by side comparison of his bio and his upbringing and some of his actual behavior and public but very selective endorsements of the Bible; all of which this hypocritical, mindless, home-schooled idiot jock is guilty of.

Place of birthMakati City, Philippines
Has anyone asked this ass-wipe for proof of his citizenship?
While pregnant, his mother suffered a life-threatening infection with a pathogenic amoeba. Because of the drugs used to rouse her from a coma and to treat her dysentery, the fetus experienced a severe placental abruption. Doctors had expected a stillbirth and recommended an abortion to protect her life,[1] although abortions are illegal in the Philippines, but she decided not to have one.

How does Mr. Tebow respond to the right-wing conservative activists currently running for the Republican nominee for the 2012 presidential election? He seems to have a lot to say against the rights of individuals to have abortions, based on his having not been one, but has nothing to say about the conservative activists who would prevent abortions, even for medically necessary reasons in cases of rape or incest. Is he suggesting that his mothers personal decision not to have an abortion should not be a choice available to pregnant woman in cases even worse than his own mothers? In other words, is he saying my mom did the right thing and because of that other women, in similar difficult circumstances, should not even be allowed the same choice his mother was allowed?
All of the Tebow children were homeschooled by their mother, who worked to instill the family's Christian beliefs along the way.[11] In 1996, legislation was passed in Florida allowing homeschooled students to compete in local high school sporting events. The law specifies that homeschooled students may participate on the team of the local school in the school district in which they live.

All of the right-wing conservative groups rail against the “special” privileges supposedly allowed to other religious groups, minorities and so on. But if this is the case, why is it that parents, such as those of Mr. Tebow should be allowed to take advantage of this specia exception granted by the Florida Legislature that benefit those who despise public school teaching but want to have their cake and eat it too by taking advantage of the public school athletic system. Hypocrisy in action folks.
The Tebows lived in Jacksonville, Florida, and he played linebacker and tight end at the local Trinity Christian Academy for one season. Tebow's preferred position was quarterback, but Trinity football team's offense did not rely on passing the football, so he began to explore his options to play for a new high school.[17] He decided to attend Nease High School, which under head coach Craig Howard was known for having a passing offense. With the rest of his family living on a farm in Duval County, Tim and his mother moved into an apartment in nearby St. Johns County, making him eligible to play for the football team at Nease. His performance soon turned heads and led to a minor controversy regarding the fact that he was a home-schooled student having his choice of school to play for.[18]

So, Tebow's parents opt out of public schooling and then shop around for a public school district which best favors Mr. Tebows football abilities. They break up their family by dividing it by moving mom and son into a district in which the rest of the family does not live so as to take advantage of the public schools they made such a fuss about wanting to get out of in the first place. This is first-degree hypocrisy. But, just like all conservative right-wing free-loaders they want the best of both worlds but want the public schools to subsidize their special interest. Sounds like Jesse Helms or Strom Thurmond rambling on about “special” treatments for black people in the South. Disgusting in every aspect.

Upon becoming the first home-schooled athlete to be nominated for the Heisman Trophy, Tebow remarked, "That's really cool. A lot of times people have this stereotype of homeschoolers as not very athletic – it's like, go win a spelling bee or something like that – it's an honor for me to be the first one to do that."[32]

Yeah Tim, you hypocrite. We'd all like to have the advantage of picking and choosing which options are the best for us. Unfortunately, not everyone is granted the “all you can eat” buffet of Florida's athletically driven legislature. The majority of your peers “suffered” through a public education, in the district we they lived, and made the best of it. “Win a spelling bee” indeed. Can you spell “hypocrite?” Would you like me to use it in a sentence such as, “Tim Tebow is a hypocrite for espousing home-schooling, an impossible option for most public-school students, yet took advantage of the public schools to push ahead in his dream to be a star football player so he shopped around public school districts to find one that would suit him​.” What a piece of work you earthworm of a human being.
A nationwide controversy surrounded Tebow's decision to appear in an ad funded by the socially conservative organization Focus on the Family that was broadcast during Super Bowl XLIV on CBS.[141][142] There were two 30-second commercials, which included Tebow's personal story as part of an overall pro-life stance. The abortion issue was not specifically mentioned in the ad.[143] Pro-choice groups condemned the ad,[144] while pro-life groups rallied around Tebow.[145]

Yep, I saw the ad's and they were an “in your face” see how good not having an abortion can be insult to single mothers, abandoned woman, abused and raped woman suggesting and implying that all abortions deprive us of the likes of the great “Tim Tebow” and if theses poor, misguided woman would just NOT have that abortion somehow, their bay's life would be just as wonderful and perfect an act Mr. Tebows. NOT.

Of them you may eat: the locust according to its kind." -- Leviticus 11:22

While the Bible strictly forbids eating shellfish, pork, rabbits, blood and certain birds of prey such as eagles and vultures, locusts (those bugs that are considered a "plague" in another part of the Good Book) are perfect for snack time or anytime.
Mr. Tebow, who grew up in Hawaii and Florida, with some really off the wall Baptists parentage has eaten both shell fish and pork in public. Since he is so well known for “cherry-picking” Bible versus for his eye-black, I suggest he try this one on for size. It seems to be a Tebow family tradition to pick and choose what they want and then excuse themselves for their hypocrisy – a la' separate families in separate school districts.

"Neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woolen come upon thee." -- Leviticus 19:19

The Bible forbids wearing cloth made out of a mix of wool and linen, but other fiber combinations are fine.
I want to see Tebow fully dressed, down to his undies in either cotton or linen, but not both. However, I don't think linen underwear would rub his nuts to satisfaction so I suspect he will keep his 100% cotton jock.
"Ye shall not round the corners of your heads." -- Leviticus 19:27
Hey Tim, the fact that your agent tells you that your unshaven, dirty three-day beard makes you marketable to the female audience, I think you said you adhere to the instructions of a higher authority so let's see you in the full wooly beard your Baptist belief in the inerrant words of the Bible demands.

"When a woman has a discharge of blood, which is her regular discharge from her body, she shall be in her impurity for seven days, and whoever touches her shall be unclean until evening." -- Leviticus 15:19-20

In case the Bible's language is a too coy for you, whenever a woman has her period she becomes impure, and whatever she sits or lies on during those seven days is also impure. Anyone who sits where she has sat becomes impure by association.

Hey Tim, I hope you kept track of your mom's periods, wouldn't want you to have sat down on something like a chair or sofa made nasty by your mom or sister's dischages.

"Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place...." -- Ephesians 5:4

There are two genres of biblically naughty words, according to Jacobs: blasphemy and profanity. Blasphemy is taking the Lord's name in vain. As for profanity, he explains, it's unclear what is and isn't allowed. Common sense would dictate a few obvious ones, but even the Bible refers to "dung" and "piss" in Ezekiel 23:20. 

Hey Timbo, there is nothing more blasphemous than taking the name of the Lord in vain. And there is nothing more vain than praying to the Lord publicly asking for his help in a football game you stupid jock.

"Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy." -- Exodus 20:8

Taking one day off a a week to rest and meditate on God shouldn't be tough, right? Well, that all depends on how seriously you take the Sabbath (which for Jews is on Saturday and for Christians, Sunday). 

Well, you're completely fucked in this regard dude.
Kill anyone with a different religion. (Deuteronomy 17:2-7)
I bet this one must be a real inspiration for you Timbo. You're parents, as missionaries failed in their responsibilities here. They should have had a couple AK-47's and just wiped out all them there heathens in the Philippines.

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